
Fulmar is easy to use.

Note: Redis is necessary, so make sure you have installed it.


You can get help, just run:

fulmar --help

You will see:

Usage: fulmar [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

A  crawler system.

  -c, --config TEXT      a yaml file with default config.  [default:
  --redis TEXT           redis address, e.g, 'redis://'.
  --mongodb TEXT         mongodb address, e.g, 'mongodb://localhost:27017/'.
  --phantomjs-proxy TEXT phantomjs proxy ip:port.
  --logging-config TEXT  logging config file for built-in python logging
                         module  [default: /fulmar/fulmar/logging.conf]

  --version              Show the version and exit.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

   all             Start scheduler and worker, also run...
   crontab         Crontab infos and operations.
   delete_project  Delete a project.
   phantomjs       Run phantomjs if phantomjs is installed.
   scheduler       Run Scheduler.
   show_projects   Show projects.
   start_project   Start a project.
   stop_project    Stop a project.
   update_project  Update a project.
   worker          Run Worker.


Config file is a YAML file with config values for global options or subcommands. Fulmar has a default config file, the content is:

    url: redis://
    url: mongodb://localhost:27017/
    async: true
    poolsize: 300
    timeout: 180

If you run fulmar without any paramtets or config file, fulmar will use this default configuration. You can write your own config file, and use it just like:

fulmar --config=your-config-file all


Redis address. You can run fulmar just like:

fulmar --redis=redis:// all


MongoDB address.


phantomjs proxy ip:port. If you set it, it means you have already run phantomjs. So fulmar will not try to run a new phantomjs, instead just use this one.


Log config file. Fulmar use logging. If you want to change the default log behavior, you can write you own log file, reference: configuration-file-format


Show fulmar version.